Jonathan has acted for clients in a wide variety of disputes, including issues pertaining to shareholders’ rights, banking and securities, commercial contracts, shipping, trusts, tort and joint ventures. He is a former Justices’ Law Clerk and Assistant Registrar of the Supreme Court of Singapore and holds a First Class law degree from the University of Oxford, where he graduated amongst the top of his course.
Some of the matters in which Jonathan has acted include the following:
Acted for an international bank in relation to a potential commodities fraud valued at over US$300 million.
Acted for the subsidiary of a listed group in relation to $20m in claims under framework contracts relating to oil trading, charter hire and waste disposal plant operations.
Acted for the beneficiary of multi-billion dollar estate in respect of both claims brought by other beneficiaries and the former business partners of the deceased.
Acted for an established international airline in a dispute over aircraft handling services which was litigated concurrently in Singapore and Australia.
Advised the private entity within a public-private partnership of a major integrated facility within Singapore on matters of regulatory compliance, the renegotiation of commercial contracts, as well as stakeholder management on both internal and external levels.