Cheryl is a Director with the Corporate & Finance Department in Drew & Napier.
Her key areas of practice are Telecommunications, Media & Technology (TMT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Trust and Administrative & Public Law.
Cheryl advises clients on regulatory matters, ranging from cybersecurity to payment services to gaming. She also advises clients on legal, contractual and governance issues arising from their use of AI at all stages of the AI life-cycle: from procuring the computing resources, to the data used in model training, to the IP and liability issues arising from the output.
Cheryl publishes frequently on legal issues arising from the use of AI with the Law Society of Singapore, where her work has been cited in a Singapore regulator’s report, and also featured in the Law Society’s yearly top 10 most read articles. She has conducted talks on AI for external organisations (e.g., IPOS International, LexisNexis SEA), regulators in an ASEAN jurisdiction, and local and European universities. She has also been invited to contribute her views on AI issues with research institutions such as the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre at the University of Oxford, and the Global Index on Responsible AI.
Before joining the firm in 2022, Cheryl was a State Counsel/Legislative Drafter in the Legislation Division of the Attorney-General’s Chambers (Singapore’s national law drafting office). For 8 years, she has advised Ministries and Statutory Boards on their policies, helping them to manage the legal risks of their policies, and proposing alternatives where the legal risk is high. She drafts the necessary legislation which is then published if the policy also requires a change in the law.
Cheryl has advised on and drafted legislation across a wide variety of subjects, with a focus on transport (including autonomous vehicles), infrastructure, technology, and civil procedure.While in Drew & Napier, she continues to advise local statutory boards, and has embarked on a legislative project for a foreign regulator.
Cheryl is also familiar with leading and organising projects, having successfully worked with internal and external stakeholders to deliver a significant national project – the 2020 Revised Edition of Acts – Singapore’s largest revision of laws to date, spanning 510 Acts with 27,000 pages.
Prior to becoming a Legislative Drafter, Cheryl was a Deputy Public Prosecutor. Cheryl graduated from the National University of Singapore and was placed third in the 2012 Singapore Bar Examinations.