DrewTech Chapter 10: Service by airdrop - no parachutes required

07 Jul 2022

In LCX AG v John Does Nos. 1 – 25 (LCX AG), the Supreme Court of New York (NY Court) ordered service of court documents on unknown defendants via the “airdrop” of a “special-purpose Ethereum-based token” containing a hyperlink to court documents. In this article, we examine the facts and reasoning in LCX AG in closer detail, and discuss whether such a method of service would be allowed by a Singapore Court.

Please click here to read more about the update.

If you missed any of the chapters in our DrewTech series, you can read them below: 

  1. Chapter 1: The Importance of an Exit Strategy in Tech Contracts
  2. Chapter 2: Employees, technology and a legal hangover - bring your own problems?
  3. Chapter 3: I host, you post, I get sued?
  4. Chapter 4: Diabolus ex machina - Artificial (un)Intelligence and liability
  5. Chapter 5: Bringing Hygiene Online - The MAS Notice on Cyber Hygiene
  6. Chapter 6: Signing without signing – contactless contracts
  7. Chapter 7: My Kingdom for a Horse – When your Systems are Held to Ransom
  8. Chapter 8: New risks in new skins - Updates to the Guidelines on Risk Management Practices – Technology Risk
  9. Chapter 9: Of blockchains and stumbling blocks

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