Chief Technology Officer Rakesh Kirpalani featured in Asian Legal Business article on the roles of CTO/CIO and their technology adoption strategies
28 Mar 2022
Chief Technology Officer Rakesh Kirpalani was recently featured in an Asian Legal Business (ALB) article alongside other law firm Chief Technology Officers and Chief Information Officers, discussing their roles and how their firms implement technology.
Prior to COVID-19, law firms may not have had much experience with technology, but the pandemic has placed that aspect of their operations in the spotlight. Law firm CTOs and CIOs have emerged as key players in the firm’s continued survival and growth.
Rakesh shared that the firm was already on its digital transformation journey before the pandemic. He was quoted saying, “The pandemic accelerated the firm’s digital journey. It also shifted the focus away from “centralised” IT issues within the firm, to “decentralised” IT issues outside the firm as employees and lawyers needed to work from home.”
Rakesh added that the CTO and CIO roles will be essential in charting the firm’s direction in technology adoption, and playing a bridge between the business and IT.
During the pandemic, the firm also launched DrewTech which provides legal services in the technology space and forensic technology services to clients.
You may read the full article in the March issue of the ALB magazine (p.28) here.